The important role of serotonin in your gut

Unlock your gut microbiome potential

Intertmittent fasting and gut microbiome

What science says about intermittent fasting and the gut microbiome

4 ways your living environment could be impacting your gut health

Microba Insights

5 things we now know about the gut microbiome that we didn’t know before

eggs and gut microbiome

Eggs: are they on the menu for your gut microbiome?

Gut bacteria

Your gut bacteria: The good, the bad & the jack of all trades


Your gut bacteria’s superpower: Butyrate

Dysbiosis and your gut microbiome

Your gut microbiome and IBS

Gut microbiome research: where from and where to?


Ageing well: You and your gut microbiome


Microbial diversity: The key to improving gut health

Gut health brain health

How smart is your gut? The gut-brain axis explained

Biome-powered brain: a healthy gut could mean a healthy mind

No guts no glory: Secrets to elite athletic performance may lie in the gut