Webinar Part 1: New Insights with Metagenomics
The New Insights with Metagenomics webinar was presented by Microba’s Microbiome Coaches and Accredited Practising Dietitians, Bianca Maree Harrington and Leanne Mitchell
on 25 September 2019.
You can view the recording below for a limited time only.
Webinar Part 2: Exploring case studies of patients with IBS
The Exploring case studies of patients with IBS webinar was presented by Microba’s Lead Microbiome Coach and Accredited Practising Dietitian, Bianca Maree Harrington on 23 October 2019.
You can view the recording below for a limited time only.
Webinar Part 3: Your metagenomics questions answered
The Question and answer session with submitted questions from viewers of part 1 and part 2 was presented by Microba’s Lead Microbiome Coach and Accredited Practising Dietitian, Bianca Maree Harrington; and Nutritionist, Registered Nurse and Microbiome Coach Christine Stewart on 27 November 2019.
You can view the recording below for a limited time only.